Wink's Devil-May-Care Day Wear

Past Tips-of-the-week

The might of known
at first glance fills
surface dweller's dreams.

The might of being
at each glance reflects
that that is - not seems.

Beauty is fleeting,
Ego a lark,
If you understand this at all,
Dress in the dark!
Less Than Perfects --- UNITE!
Repeat this affirmation three times daily,
while standing in front of the mirror
and deliberately not looking at yourself in the mirror!

I will not nip & tuck,
Nor will I believe in luck,

I'll remain sure of my worth
By living the look I've grown from birth!

Neatly fit into a categorized notion of human vanity?


Show the world that you have your priorities right!

Never wear matching colors!

In the 1800's we strived for chunky, in the 1900's we struggled to be a twig.
Girls, do you let the locals determine your body type? Forget them!
Let's view our bodies as all century terrain.

First Impressions? Nothing but sensory mumbo-jumbo! When you start getting double takes,
then you've got impact!

What gossip is to small minds - polish is to character.

~~~distracting illusions~~~

    Devil-May-Careness is not so much substance over style,
        but a total lack of either.

~~~There will be no beauty tonight, and no ugliness~~~

~~~and we will all get connected~~

~~~and see true~~

When shopping for day wear keep this one word foremost in mind:

Great impressions can be had
even if you dress real bad
Your self-esteem don't need no lashin'
A smilin' face is always in fashion

A freshman in college E-mailed me to complain that he fit in following my Devil-May-Care suggestions!
Well, Bruce, if you truly want to stand apart, I have just two words to say to you:


Worry too much about your outsides and
and your whole side won't be worth the bother.

Tip #4: Footwear. Now, guys and gals, there are just tons of options out there for appropriate Devil-May-Care stuff for your feet:

Converse, Reebok, Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Keds...

First Impressions? One-Dimensional, One-Sided Labeling,
Remember, If they can tag you, then you are doing it wrong!

Ode to a Shirt Wrinkle

Oh, you mighty wrinkle,
To you I sing my praise!
Sitting so small and carefree,
As you shout my message plain! Bring forth the full texture
In the fabric of my days.
And show to all that see you:
To my clothes, I am no slave.
Casually shuffle back to Wink's Corner